Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Okay back to topic....I am getting a little random.  LOL.  My family has always been important to me and they are a big part of who I am.  I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow with the big extended family. Most of them I only see once or twice a year but seeing them reminds me that I have a huge support system that can help me through anything.

I remember growing up and spending Thanksgiving and Christmas with my dad's aunts and uncles and cousins.  It was a constant in our lives and even though we only see each other during the holidays we are a lot closer than  most families.  Now when I say that it was my dad's aunts and uncles and cousins you probably picture a dozen or so people.  In reality there are dozens of people there.  My Grandpa has 6 brothers and sisters and each of them has at least 2 kids.  Then you add in the kids of their kids and it makes for a crowded family filled fun day.

I am hoping that the holidays this year will help me rediscover the part of me that existed pre-marriage and kids.  The part that knew that family was important and that had a belief in love and marriage.  My trust and faith in marriage has been drastically affected by the heartbreaks that I have experienced.  One thing that you should know about my family is that it is full of people that have been married for well over 20 years.  In fact the number of divorces in my family is way below the average.  I love seeing all of the married couples and how happy they still are.  I hope that I can recapture the belief that I had in marriage and love but only time will tell.

Do you have a large family?  Do they have a profound affect on your life?

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