Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Wonder of Water

Have you ever just sat in the shower and felt the water seep into your pores?  I do some of my best thinking in or near the water.  Any kind of water, the shower just happens to be the most accessible.  I also love the swimming pool, the creek, rivers, ponds, lakes, the ocean (although this one is difficult to access being in Colorado and all).  Any body of water.  The water clears my head and makes me feel better.  

While sitting in the shower just thinking this morning (probably a little bit of an over share LOL) I realized that I have far too much stress and i need to figure out something to do on a regular basis to recenter myself.  There is a lake not far from my house and a creek about the same distance the opposite direction.  I am thinking that even though it is getting colder out that a walk around the lake or a walk along the creek once a day would be a great relaxation technique.

Do you have anything that you do that just makes you feel whole again?

1 comment:

  1. I just stand under a shower for a long time and think. It can be very refreshing.

